Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Is the American Diet Contributing to a Warmer Planet?
Our food choices, which include production, transport, processing, packaging, storage, and preparation, may be a significant contributor to global warming. The “food sector” in America accounts for 19 percent of total U.S. energy use each year. The average American diet creates 2.8 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per personper year, which far surpasses the 2.2 tons of CO2 emissions generated by Americans driving. 1
The highly processed foods that have become a big part of our diets often require barrels of oil to create and deliver to our dinner plates, and are often low in nutrient value as well. Your food choices not only contribute to your state of health, both current and future, but also are a significant part of your overall carbon footprint. The good news is that healthy, flavor- ful, and good-to-eat foods are entirely possible while also easing the load of your carbon footprint.
Here are some tips for lean and green eating:
• Eat less red meat. The amount of beef in your diet is one of the biggest factors in your global impact.
• Ban the bottled water. Liquids are one of the heaviest items to ship, and their plastic containers are filling landfills. 
• Snack sustainably. This is good for your waist as well as your waste. Ditch the processed snack foods and choose whole, real foods instead. 
• Be an efficient shopper. Minimize shopping trips to different stores if possible, reuse bags, and shop the bulk bins. 
• Become a locavore. Eat locally (or regionally) and seasonally to the extent that you can. 
• Compost your food waste. Food scraps are about 12 percent of a family’s household waste and emit powerful warming gases in landfill. Regenerate them into healthy soil instead!
• Cook in more, take out less. Dining out significantly increases a food’s carbon footprint, especially if there is packaging. 

Practice “hara hachi bu.” The Okinowan phrase hara hachi bu translates as “eat until you are eight parts full.” Slow down while you eat, and give your stomach time to tell your brain you are full. 
• Limit highly packaged, single-serving snacks, foods, and beverages. Hit the bulk aisle and bulk up instead. 
• Pack a PB&J for lunch. Make your own lunch and bring it with you. If it’s peanut butter and jelly or almond butter with local jam on whole-grain bread, it’s fast, easy, healthy, and greener too.
1 Eshel G, Martin PA. Diet, energy and global warming. Earth Interactions. 2006;10(9):1–17. Source: Geagan K. Go Green, Get Lean: Trim Your Waistline with the Ultimate Low-Carbon Footprint Diet. Emmaus, PA: Rodale, 2009.
 (Insel 32)

The 10 Red Flags of Junk Science

The 10 red Flags of Junk science
1. Recommendations that promise a quick fix
2. Dire warnings of danger from a single product or regimen
3. Claims that sound too good to be true 
4. Simplistic conclusions drawn from a single study 
5. Recommendations based on a single study 
6. Dramatic statements that are refuted by reputable scientific organizations 
7. Lists of “good” and “bad” foods 
8. Recommendations made to help sell a product 
9. Recommendations based on studies published without peer review 
10.  Recommendations from studies that ignore differences among individuals or groups

(Insel 24)
Insel, Paul,  Don Ross,  Kimberley McMahon,  Melissa Bernstein. Nutrition: Custom Edition, 4th Edition. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 04/2010. .

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Image of Health

Healthy Snacks

The Weight of the Nation

After recently watching, The Weight of the Nation, an HBO documentary on America's ever-growing obesity epidemic, I have decided to incorporate more of a plant-based diet.

The four-part documentary is excellent in explaining the complex issues involving the issues contributing to why America is so unhealthy and how we can begin to shift our actions to support a healthier future.

We need solution-based thinking. We already know there is a major issue (by 2032, 52% of Americans are predicted to be obese).

It starts with the kids.

To break free form the conditioning of children eating poorly from the first years of their life, available options coupled with education are essential. Teach them how to eat healthy, give them healthy options of fresh fruits and vegetables, teach them how to prepare these healthful foods.

Availability, Affordability, Accessibility, Education, and Moderation.

As one who is not in a poverty-stricken area without fresh, healthy choices, like most of you reading this, you can start helping now:

Eat Local- fresh farm produce from the farmer's markets supports local economy, creates a demand, will eventually lower costs of fresh produce, and is the most sustainable option in the long run.

Monday, May 21, 2012