Saturday, February 11, 2012

Before and After: Alisa

Alisa came to me looking to sculpt her body and get more toned. After decreasing her body fat and adding lean muscle mass, she can proudly say she loves the way she looks and feels!

"I have worked out my whole life and never gotten the results that I wanted. I never had a personal trainer and I would go from one thing to the next. I would enjoy something and then overdo that one exercise causing my muscles to become bulky. I never wanted to have to watch what I ate and I figured as long as I worked out 5-6 days a week I wouldn't have to. I maintained and reasonably fit body and have never been overweight but also have never been truly satisfied with how I look.
  I joined Frog's at the urging of my fiance and met Kali the first day I signed up. I was completely intimidated to work out with a trainer but since she was offering me 2 free sessions I decided to try it. At that point I thought I would just use the 2 sessions so I could learn how to use the machines and then branch out on my own as I always have done in the past. After my first 2 sessions with Kali I felt so encouraged by her knowledge and enthusiasm. I shared this with my fiance and he bought me a package with her as a gift. From then on I was hooked and have used Kali as my personal trainer,  friend, motivator, therapist and cheerleader all rolled into one!
  Kali slowly brought me around to the idea that I would need to control my calories in addition to working out if I wanted to see some real changes in my body. I started at 132 pounds and 22% body fat. She encouraged me to try a 1600 calorie a day diet. I was very resistant at first and continued as I had before for many months while training with Kali. Finally she convinced me to try it for one week. The first week was extremely difficult as I felt hungry and deprived a lot and it was a aggravation to keep track on everything I ate. Slowly I got accustomed to the lack of calories and didn't need as much food to feel full. I also streamlined the process of keeping track of my food intake. From there it took off to a 100% commitment to staying within my allotted calorie intake. As I saw the pounds slowly the shedding the more motivated I became to lose more. It took me about 7 months to lose 14 pounds. I am now 118 pounds and 11.9% body fat. In addition my posture has markedly improved.
  My body transformation has given me so much more confidence and inner peace. I now have the tools to control my physique. It isn't a guessing a game anymore. I have knowledge that I lacked before and this makes me feel empowered." 

I couldn't be more proud of her commitment to a consistent training schedule and adherence to a healthy diet! One of my favorite moments with her happen tonight. I rarely get to see people out of their sweaty work out clothes and tonight I was in awe of how breath-taking she looked. I could see an equal balance of happiness, health, and strength. Congrtualtions Alisa, you look incredible.

Summer 2011

February 2012

February 2012

" I was really off balance. You have really taught me to work out everything equally. Thank you again for everything!"